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Solvent, eco-solvent and latex  With printers we can implement your ideas for indoor and outdoor advertising on various materials:

  • paper (roll width 1.60 m);

  • adhesive PVC films, white or transparent  (roll width 1.60 m);

  • adhesive PVC films on a black base;

  • tento  (roll width  2.60 m);

  • mesh tent - mesh  (roll width 1.60 m);

  • canvas - canvas  (roll width 1.60 m);

  • backlito  (roll width 1.60 m);

  • light cotton;

  • vernon tissue;

  • flag fabric;

  • satins;

  • synthetic paper;

  • electrostatic  sticker.

Wide-format printing can be divided into two types: outdoor and indoor, or indoor,  advertising. They differ in the materials on which the resolution is printed.

Deciding which material to print on should be  answer the questions:

• Will the press be indoors or outdoors?

• Will the press be sunny  in the light - only for a short time or for the whole?

• Will the press be hung, tensioned or framed?

• How long the press will be used - or  is it only needed for a day, a month, a season?

• What is the purpose of the press  - for informational or other purposes, e.g.  having something to cover up?

Depending on how far away the person is (the recipient of the information) and the size of the press, the size of the resolution depends on it.  300-1440 DPI resolution is commonly used in wide format printing.

Outdoor advertising  the minimum resolution used is 300  DPI.  Recipient of information  will see the ad from a distance, so even if that resolution file a bit  pixels  there is a high probability that the overall picture will not suffer (Figure A)  advertising further away from the recipient of the information).

For wide-format printing for indoor use , 720 and higher DPIs are recommended (depending on the print size). 

The recipient of the information is relatively close, and the resulting "squares" may be noticeable  (in the picture - advertisement B, which is closer to the recipient of the information).

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